“If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.” (Romans 6:8, NAB)

In this verse, St. Paul reminds us of a truth that lies at the very heart of our Catholic faith: we have died in Christ. This reality, although it may seem paradoxical, holds the key to our redemption and the hope of eternal life. In the waters of baptism, we were united with Christ in a profound and mystical way. As the water flowed over us, we were cleansed of our sins and incorporated into the mystical body of Christ, which is the Church. In that beautiful moment, we died to our old selves, to our old way of life, and we were reborn as children of God.

Through baptism, we share in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Christ died on the Cross and rose from the dead, we too have died to sin and risen to newness of life. Our old self, marked by selfishness, pride, and the pursuit of worldly pleasures, has been crucified with Christ. We have been set free from the bondage of sin, and now we live in the grace and freedom of the children of God.

What does it mean to die in Christ? It means surrendering ourselves completely to Him, allowing His life to dwell within us and guide us in every aspect of our existence. It means dying to our own will and desires and embracing the Will of God. It means crucifying our selfishness and embracing selflessness, imitating Christ’s love and service to others.

Dying in Christ also means embracing the reality of the Cross in our lives. As followers of Christ, we are not exempt from suffering, trials, and difficulties. However, when we unite our sufferings with those of Christ, they become redemptive. Our sufferings, when embraced with faith and love, have the power to bring us closer to God and to transform us into instruments of His grace and mercy.

May God bless you +
Fr. Charles