From the reading of Wisdom 12:13,16-19, we are reminded of the nature of our God, the one true God who cares for all of creation. These verses reveal to us the attributes of God that should shape our understanding of His divine character. The passage begins by referring to the exclusive care and authority of God. “For there is no other God but thou, who hast care of all, that thou shouldst shew that thou dost not give judgment unjustly.” It is crucial for us to acknowledge that God alone has supreme authority over all things. He is the one who lovingly tends to every aspect of creation. Moreover, His judgments are always just and righteous. We find solace in knowing that God, who knows all things, will never condemn unjustly. His perfect justice is rooted in His infinite wisdom.

We can see the inseparable link between God’s might and justice. God’s might does not solely manifest as a demonstration of power but as a profound embodiment of justice. His dominion over all things allows Him to govern with both leniency and mercy. He is compassionate towards us, providing us with opportunities for repentance and redemption. Let us never forget that the Father’s leniency is not a sign of weakness but a testament to His divine mercy.

We are further reminded that God’s might is affirmed when the perfection of His power is disbelieved. When people doubt or reject God’s power and authority, He reveals His might in ways that confound and confute the unbelievers. To those who have encountered His grace and know Him intimately, God’s power is not a subject of scepticism but a cause for awe and reverence. Yet, despite His immense power and authority, God’s judgment is tempered with clemency. Our God, who has the ultimate power to judge, chooses to exercise His authority with great leniency and understanding. He governs us not with a heavy hand but with gentleness and compassion. His divine power is wielded not to oppress but to uplift and guide us on the path of righteousness.

In these verses, we are presented with the wisdom that God imparts to His people. God teaches us that justice is inseparable from kindness. Those who seek to live justly must also demonstrate kindness and compassion in their interactions with others – including those outside the Church. Moreover, God grants us the assurance of hope. He offers us the possibility of repentance for our sins, promising forgiveness and redemption. It is through His loving guidance and unending grace that we find the foundation of our hope.

We are called to imitate the divine attributes of God. We are called to embrace justice, tempered with kindness, and to show mercy and compassion to those around us. May each of us cultivate a spirit of humility and repentance, trusting in God’s generous invitation to turn away from sin and embrace His forgiveness. May we draw inspiration from the words of the Book of Wisdom, allowing them to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. Let us live as a testimony to God’s love, reflecting His justice, kindness, and mercy in all that we do.

For thy power is the beginning of justice: and because thou art Lord of all, thou makest thyself gracious to all.

For thou shewest thy power, when men will not believe thee to be absolute in power, and thou convincest the boldness of them that know thee not.

But thou being master of power, judgest with tranquillity; and with great favour disposest of us: for thy power is at hand when thou wilt.

But thou hast taught thy people by such works, that they must be just and humane, and hast made thy children to be of a good hope: because in judging thou givest place for repentance for sins.

May God bless you +

Fr. Charles